IDB Invest increases financing in water sanitation project in Pernambuco

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The financing institution, BRK Ambiental and BID Invest, a member of the Inter-American Development Bank Group, have signed a financing agreement for the expansion of the sanitation services infrastructure in 15 municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Recife. 

The agreement in the amount of BRL 350 million (US$89 million), announced on December 2018, had an increase of BRL 92 million (US$23 million) at the end of the negotiation, totaling BRL 442 million (US$112.5 million) for expansion of the sewage system of the Metropolitan Region of Recife. 

The project is the first BID Invest financing for a sanitation sector project in Brazil, in which it is the largest Public Private Partnership (PPP) being operated in the country, between BRK Ambiental and Compesa (Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento). 

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