PROINVERSIÓN has completed the technical studies that consider the new location of the Huancayo Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which will benefit more than 570,000 residents in the Junín region, Peru.
The new location for the construction of WWTP was produced in Huancayo, El Tambo, Chilca and Huancán. It also includes the construction of 26 km of primary and secondary collectors that will intercept the current discharges to the Mantaro, Chilca and Ancalá rivers, which will lead the wastewater to the WWTP, including five wastewater pumping stations and pumping lines.
The project, which involves an investment of US$170 million, seeks to prevent the pollution currently generated by more than 50 wastewater discharges that flow into the Shulcas, Chilca, Alihuayo and Mantaro rivers.
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