Honolulu City to withdraw from the rail PPP

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Honolulu City to withdraw from the rail PPP

Honolulu city Mayor's office in the USA has notified the Honolulu Federal Transit Administration about the withdrawal of the city from participation in the procurement of the East Kapolei to Ala Moana Center rail PPP project. It is up to Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) to cancel the procurement for the project, until then the project procurement will continue.

The HART board members voted not to establish the search committee to find the replacement for the HART.

In early September InfraPPP informed that the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit (HART) in Hawaii delayed the contract award for Honolulu Rail Transit Project for the sixth time. Later on, Honolulu rail board decided not to renew the contract of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Andrew Robbins. 

After this last announcement from the Mayor, the project is likely to be delayed further or canceled. 

The project involves the design, construction and financing of an elevated railway in Honolulu, the state capital of Hawaii. The railway will form a 20 mile (32km), 21-station transit system connecting East Kapolei to Ala Moana Center. 



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