Honduras to sign MoU with Chinese company for interoceanic railway construction

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The Government of Honduras will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the China Harbor Engineering Company Ltda (CHEC) on July 8 for the construction of the inter-oceanic railway network.

The project involves building a railway line connection between Puerto Castilla (Caribbean) and Amapala(Isla del Tigre in the Gulf of Fonseca),  which Honduras shares in the Pacific with El Salvador and Nicaragua. The interoceanic railway will serve the cargo of ships of 300,000 tons and will include a merchandise collection center with a capacity for 240,000 containers in the Jícaro Galán sector, in southern Honduras. The project includes the construction of a refinery in Puerto Castilla, an oil pipeline, a shipyard and the installation of fiber optics.

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