Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS trust, in Cambridgeshire, UK, has launched a tender process to develop a Key Worker Accommodation facility through a PPP project.
The project will be developed on a design, build, fund and operate (DBFO) basis. The contract will be for an anticipated term of 15 years, with the possibility of extending the term beyond the initial contracted duration by mutual agreement with the provider for a further 5 years.
The total project investment is estimated at £60 million (US$91.4 million).
Hinchingbrooke Healthcare NHS Trust, is a district general hospital, providing health care for more than 160,000 people in Huntingdonshire and surrounding areas.
The hospital has 223 beds, including 24 specifically for day cases, alongside 23 cabins located in the Treatment Centre, the £22 million unit which opened in November 2005. There are also an additional 9 beds in Critical Care.
Interested parties must submit their request to participate on or before 25 February 2015.
See contract notice: