Greenlight Innovation Fund RFP Launched

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New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) launched the Greenlight Innovation Fund Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide City capital funding for the development of facilities in New York City that support the Green Economy, Life Sciences, and Advanced Technology.

NYCEDC plans to make numerous awards of at least US$3 million per project, with an initial City Capital funding allotment of up to US$50 million for the Fund. The goal of these awards is to expand and diversify the innovation industries, which are vital to the prosperity of the New York economy. The purpose of this RFP is to find worthy proposals for facility development or upgrades that qualify for funding from City Capital. The Fund is only available for single-site programs started by nonprofit organizations on real estate that are privately held. The Fund will give City Capital for certain initiatives that are a part of the Programme as a whole; a Project must include one of the following: building facilities, buying equipment, or purchasing real estate. NYCEDC aims to finance no more than 50% of the program's overall cost. Based on the criteria outlined in the RFP, which include but are not limited to the program policy goals, the viability of the development plan, the viability of continuing operations and management, and the caliber of the responder team, NYCEDC intends to grant City Capital to project respondents.

Please upload your second-round responses electronically by October 2nd, 2024.



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