Goias and BNDES sign contract for highway concession

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The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and the Government of the State of Goiás have signed a contract for the structuring of a concession project for seven state highways. 

BNDES will coordinate the studies for modeling the concession of the following roads- 85.02 km of GO-010, 149.94 km of GO-020, 312.37 km of GO-060, 129.63 km of GO-070, 143.33 km of GO-080, 214.32 km of GO-139 and 106.85 km of GO-330 and will support the State during the process. In addition, the bank will hire consultants to conduct technical studies and provide support during other stages, such as public hearings, analysis by the State Audit Court and holding an auction. 

The project involves the redevelopment of the selected road sections necessary for the revitalization and better use of the roads and with positive effects on the safety of users. With investments from concessionaires estimated at at least BRL1.2 billion (USD241.8 million) in the first 5 years of the project, the expectation is that the improvements in the main roads that connect Goiás to the markets in Brazil will contribute to regional and national economic development. The tender is scheduled for the first quarter of 2023. 

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