Financial close reached for Green Line project in Tel Aviv

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NTA Metropolitan Mass Transit Systems and the TLV Metropolitan Tramway consortium have announced that a financial close has been reached on the contract to design, build, finance and maintain the light rail Green Line in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The 39 km long Green Line, featuring a 4 km underground section and 62 stops, will connect Holon and Rishon LeZion to the center of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University, and the business areas in Herzliya and Kiryat Atidim. The two southern branches originating at Agricultural Center and Moshe Dayan in Rishon LeZion will converge at HaNesi’im in Holon. The line extends from north to south, with branches leading to Herzliya and Neve Sharet, showcasing a comprehensive urban connectivity network. The trams, operating in double units with a length of 34 m each and featuring a full low floor, will be the Citadis X05 model designed and manufactured by Alstom's Centre of Excellence in La Rochelle. Key components, such as bogies, motors, cybersecurity, and passenger information systems, will be supplied by various French sites. Harnesses and electrical cabinets will come from Fez, Morocco, and the Integrated Traction and Auxiliary Converter, along with the Hesop energy-saving system, will be provided by Charleroi, Belgium.

The TMT Consortium, consisting of Alstom, Electra, and Dan Public Transportation, secured the EUR2.6 billion (USD2.8 billion) contract in May 2022. Electra will oversee civil works, while Alstom's EUR858 million (USD947 million) share includes the design, supply, and commissioning of the track, electrification, power supplies, signaling, communications, and 98 Citadis X05 trams, which will operate in pairs. The project will utilize the Appitrack mechanized tracklaying system and Hesop energy-saving technology. A joint venture of the three companies will handle maintenance for 25 years. Financing includes a EUR250 million (USD276 million) project finance loan from the European Investment Bank and ILS6.5 billion (USD1.8 billion) from Israeli banks Hapoalim and Mizrahi-Tefahot.

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