Financial close achieved for New Bosa Hospital PPP in Bogota

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Grupo Ortiz and Incot SAC, the companies responsible for the development of the New Bosa hospital complex in Bogota, have achieved financial close for the concession. Itaú and Bancolombia have provided the consortium with an 8-year loan of COP260 billion (US$69.27 million) for the financing of the concession. The loan is structured on mini-perm financing, which is a hybrid scheme characterized by financing with a long-term vocation that promotes refinancing in the medium term.

Once operational, the hospital complex will feature 215 beds including 135 beds for internal medicine, 60 beds for surgical services, 12 beds for intensive care for adults, and 8 beds for intermediate care for adults as well as facilities to cater to chronic patients with cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease, diabetes, and osteoarthritis. The hospital is expected to become operational by end of 2023.

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