The Fiji government has changed the plan to build 3,000 housing units and they will now make around 1,500 residential lots and units available for sale.
The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Affordable Housing Project started in 2017 under the previous government to help low- and middle-income Fijians get affordable homes. The plan was to build about 3,000 housing units in six areas: Raiwaqa, Nepani, Wainibuku, Davuilevu, Tavakubu, and Tavua. However, when the Coalition Government took over in 2022., the project had made little progress Five of the six sites were been developed but remained unused for nearly seven years. The current government decided not to cancel the project because it had good intentions. Instead, it fast-tracked the process and invited international bids to find a private developer to build the houses.
After reviewing the bids, they discovered that the cost to complete the project was seven times more than the 2019 estimate. This made the project too expensive and unaffordable for the people it was meant to help. Because of this, the Cabinet decided to change the plan. Instead of building the 3,000 housing units, they will now make around 1,500 residential lots and units available for sale. These lots will be sold through the Housing Authority, allowing low- and middle-income Fijians to buy affordable land to build their homes.