Abertis has announced that Emovis to partner with Elizabeth River Crossings on the Midtown Tunnel public-private partnership (PPP) project in Virginia, USA, to refresh and upgrade the toll collection system.
Emovis will provide the new roadside solution to ERC, the company that finances, supplies, operates and maintains the project. Emovis will deploy its own roadside solution on virtual machines in Amazon Web Services Elastic Cloud for high availability and low maintenance. Through this proposal and advanced vehicle detection and identification systems, ERC will simplify and reduce the footprint of the original toll portals and maximize toll enforcement. Four open road toll zones will be deployed at two bi-directional tunnel entrances. The project will be completed when all requirements-based tests have been passed and the 90-day final acceptance test has been completed.
The project began on January 25, 2023, and in July 2022, Emovis the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles launched a Mileage-Based User Fee program in the state called “Mileage Choice”.