The Rwanda Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM) has selected DP World to develop the Kigali Logistics Platform (KLP) PPP project.
The KLP will facilitate efficient cargo handling and distribution within Rwanda, improve services and address logistics costs for users. The new facility will be located at Masaka near Kigali.
The project involves, among others, the development of storage facilities for cargo, parking facilities, repair and maintenance facilities. It also involves the provision of several services which are, among others, handling of cargo, bonded and non-bonded storage, and value added services.
The project will be developed on a 90,000m² area of which 12,000m² will be used to build a container yard and 19,600m² to construct a warehousing facility. The platform will be able to handle 50,000 TEUs per year and will have 640,000 tonnes of warehousing space.
DP World will have to design, build, finance, operate and maintain (DBFOM) the new facilities for a period of 25 years.
The total project investment is estimated at US$35 million.
In mid August 2015 we reported that MINICOM appointed Deloitte as the lead transaction advisor assisting the Government in the project. The transaction advisory services are being funded by TradeMark East Africa.
DP World Chairman HE Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem stated:
“DP World is delighted to have been granted this concession in Kigali, Rwanda. We are excited by this opportunity to use our expertise to build best-in-class infrastructure to ensure the continued development and growth for Kigali and the wider economy.”
DP World Group Chief Executive Officer Mohammed Sharaf commented:
“We continue to be optimistic about the outlook for Africa and are proud to expand our footprint in the region. We aim to further develop the logistics sector through DP World Kigali Logistics to help meet the country’s 2020 vision of creating a strong domestic logistics services operator in the region.”