The General Directorate of Concessions (DGC) of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) presented the bidding process for the Desalination Plant for the Coquimbo Region, Chile.
The Coquimbo Desalination Plant has an official budget estimated at US$350 million and will supply water to more than 400,000 people. Its initial capacity is 800 liters per second (l/s), expandable to 1,200 l/s based on future demand. Its infrastructure will include desalinated water collection, transportation, and distribution systems, ensuring a continuous supply for human consumption.
To date, 43 companies from countries such as Spain, China, the United States, Israel, and Chile, among others, have purchased the bidding documents, reflecting the high interest this project is generating in the global water solutions market. According to the bidding schedule, the Technical and Financial Bids will be received on July 10, 2025, and the Financial Bids will be opened on August 21.
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