The Rwanda Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM) has announced a new deadline to submit qualification documents to develop the Kigali Logistics Platform (KLP) PPP project.
MINICOM has changed the schedule of the tender process and the new dates follow:
The KLP will facilitate efficient cargo handling and distribution within Rwanda, improve services and address logistics costs for users. The new facility will be located at Masaka near Kigali.
The project involves, among others, the development of storage facilities for cargo, parking facilities, repair and maintenance facilities. It also involves the provision of several services which are, among others, handling of cargo, bonded and non-bonded storage, and value added services.
The project will be developed on a design, build, finance, operation and maintenance basis.
The total project investment is estimated at US$35 million.
In mid August we reported that MINICOM appointed Deloitte as the lead transaction advisor assisting the Government in the project. The transaction advisory services are being funded by TradeMark East Africa.
See tender notices:RFQ: