Construction works started for PY22 North corridor

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The Ministry of Public Works and Communications has announced that soil movement works have started for the PY22 North corridor in Paraguay.

The 150 km long corridor will connect the districts of San Pedro del Ycuamandiyu, Nueva Germania, Concepcion, Horqueta and Belen in Paraguay. The project is being developed in three lots, these are as follows:

  • Lot 1 starts at the Yacare Ñe'ē intersection in San Pedro del Ycuamandiyu up to Prog. 50+000 with Ecomipa in charge;
  • Lot 2 connects Prog. 50+000 to 88+873 in the city of Belen including the construction of a 200 m Bridge over the Ypane River and the 17,268 km access to the Ybapovo Port, under the responsibility of the Eastern Road Consortium;
  • Lot 3 begins in Horqueta and goes to Belén (Prog. 24+500) then continues along PY22 to Concepcion in Prog. 43+920 with the work Acray in charge.


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