Construction underway on second road between Puente Amarillo and Cumaral

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The National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) has announced that in the Villavicencio-Cumaral section, which is part of the Villavicencio – Yopal Concession project, the construction of the second road between Puente Amarillo and Cumaral is underway, the improvement of the existing road and the construction of the Cumaral Bypass.

The National Government has been making improvements on the Villavicencio – Yopal corridor. Once completed and verified, compensation for the works carried out by the concessionaire will follow the contract terms. The ANI emphasizes that any toll rate adjustments will be made after thorough consultation with communities and local authorities to ensure fairness. The adjustment in Yellow Bridge toll rates is expected in Q1 of 2025, following the completion of the second carriageway, existing carriageway improvements, and the Cumaral Bypass construction.

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