Construction progress of waste-to-energy PPP project in Belgrade

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Beo Cista Energija (BCE) has announced that the Vinca waste-to-energy project is planned to be completed in November 2022.

Located in Belgrade, Serbia, the project involves the development of an energy-from-waste plant, a facility for construction and demolition waste (CDW), the remediation, as well as closing and aftercare of the existing Vinca landfill and the construction of a new EU-compliant landfill. The project is worth EUR300 million (US$349.25 million). Once the plant is in operation, Belgrade will generate 10% of its heat and 5% of its electricity through waste.

Beo Cista Energija is a special purpose vehicle formed by Suez, Itochu and the Marguerite Fund II. The project has a concession period of 25 years. The waste-to-energy plant will produce up to 30 MW of electricity, plus 56 MW of heat purchased by the municipal company Beogradske Elektrane. 

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