Construction of Concepción Industrial Bridge reached 70% completion

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The Ministry of Public Works has announced that the construction of the Concepción Industrial Bridge is 70% complete and will link the communes of Hualpén and San Pedro de la Paz, through a new route with two roads with 2 lanes each, in a total extension, including the access road to the bridge, of 6.4 km.

It will enhance connectivity by increasing the Biobío River's crossing capacity by 33%, boosting commercial exchange through local ports and helping to alleviate vehicle congestion in the area. The operation of this bridge, along with two others, is expected to reduce daily travel times by 20%. Notably, 80% of the materials used in its construction, including steel from Huachipato, are sourced regionally. For instance, approximately 20,000 tons of reinforcing steel will be used in the structures, equivalent to the weight of two Eiffel Towers, ten London Eyes, or the Costanera Center building. The bridge is set to be operational in the first half of 2025.

This concessioned project also includes building a new bridge over the Los Batros estuary on Route 160, replacing the existing one, as well as constructing three pedestrian walkways, a cycle path, two viewpoints, two grade-separated interchanges with local roads, and areas for emergency services and road signage.

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