Colombia's Cabinet has approved the Girardot - Ibagué - Cajamarca (GICA) highway PPP project unsolicited proposal.
The unsolicited proposal for the GICA highway had been submitted by Colpatria, Mincivil and their partners in the San Rafael concessionaire (Termotécnica Coindustrial, Latinco and HB Estructuras Metálicas). The mentioned concessionaire currently manages the Ibagué - Girardot highway.
After the approval of the Cabinet, there will be a public tender process to seek competing proposals through the CECOP platform.
The project involves the operation and maintenance of the 225.1 km road between Girardot, Ibagué and Cajamarca. The project also involves the development of a second 35 km highway between Ibagué and Cajamarca. The contract period will be 28 years including 7 years for construction works.
Specifically the project involves de development of:
The total project investment is estimated at P$1.02 billion (US$468.7 million). No public funds will be available for this project.
Another unsolicited proposal for a road project is the APP Llanos, which has been proposed by Grupo Odinsa S.A.
APP Llanos project involves the maintenance of 350 km of roads, the development of a ring road around Villavicencio and the construction of a two-lane road between Ciudad Porfía and Acacias and between Río Ocoa and Apiay. In early June 2014 ANI approved the unsolicited proposal for the project.