Climate Investor One Funds close at a combined US$850m

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Coöperatief Climate Fund Managers U.A. (CFM) is proud to announce the final close of Climate Investor One’s Stichting Development Fund and Coöperatief Construction Equity Fund U.A. at a combined US$850 million.

Climate Investor One, with an emerging market renewable energy mandate, is the inaugural facility managed by CFM and the first of an intended series of ‘blended finance’ investment vehicles focused on providing capital to climate mitigation and adaptation sectors in developing countries.

After a successful two-year fundraising period and four previous closes, Climate Investor One has scaled beyond its original target of US$530 million, following a notable investment by the Green Climate Fund (GCF). As a catalytic driver of scale to Climate Investor One, GCF has unlocked further funding opportunities for new and existing commercial and institutional investors.

Climate Investor One will utilise a whole-of-life financing approach to deliver renewable energy infrastructure projects across Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and Latin America. The facility will generate its own proprietary pipeline through use of the Stichting Development Fund, development and technical assistance vehicle, before offering projects to the Coöperatief Construction Equity Fund for construction financing through an all-equity approach. CFM will later raise a Coöperatief Refinancing Fund to provide post-construction operational debt to projects. The whole-of-life financing approach is intended to save both the time and cost of implementing renewable energy projects and improving the quality of delivery through CFM’s in-house engineering, financial, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) centers of excellence.

Upon full deployment of capital, Climate Investor One will deliver an estimated 1,700MW of additional capacity, generating approximately 5,100GWh of electricity per annum, serve in the region of 13 million people, and avoid harmful GHG emissions by ca. 1.9 million tCO2 per annum.

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