During a public hearing, the County Commissioners have approved the use of a competitive proposal process by Clackamas County to select a private partner for the courthouse replacement project in Oregon, USA. The project will be procured under a public-private partnership (PPP), which secures the ownership of the building by the county.
Request for Quotation (RFQ) will be published in late June or early July to locate and secure a qualified company for the courthouse redevelopment. Upon completion of the new courthouse building, the state contribution will be applied as a lump sum payment towards the private financing with the remainder repaid by the county over a 30-year term per the project agreement.
The project involves replacing the current courthouse, built in 1936, with a new one on the Clackamas County’s Red Soils Campus in Oregon City. The selected partner will design, build, finance, and maintain the new courthouse for 30 years. The project is expected to be completed by 2025.