NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC which includes Cintra, Meridiam Infrastructure and Dallas Police and Fire Pension System has signed a concession contract to design, build, finance and operate a new segment extending the North Tarrant Express in Texas by 10.1 miles (16.3 kilometers). Investment is estimated at 1.38 billion dollars. The concession will run for 43 years from the date the road opens to traffic, expected in mid-2018. Financial closure will be obtained in the coming months.
The Dallas/Fort Worth area, where the NTE is located, is the fifth-largest metropolitan area in the United States and one of the fastest-growing regions in the country. The project includes the following segments: the 3A (6.5 miles - 10.5 kilometers), which runs along the I-35W from Fort Worth to IH-280, with the interchange between the I-35W and the IH-820; and the 3B (3.6 miles - 5.8 kilometers), running from the interchange with the IH-820 to US 287.
NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC will be responsible for the development of segment 3A, which will be undertaken by Ferrovial Agroman and Webber, as well as its operation and maintenance. The Texas Department of Transportation will build segment 3B and NTE will be responsible for its operation, maintenance and tolling.
In less than a year, Cintra has landed three new projects in North America worth 3.85 billion dollars: the 407 East highway in Canada, the US-460 DBF in Virginia and this one.
Source: Ferrovial