Chile presented an investment plan for the road infrastructure in the country. The road infrastructure development program includes the construction of almost 17,000 km of road routes.
President of Chile unveiled the plan on May 27, 2019. The plan will consider investments of almost US$ 10 billion in tenders of routes and highways, new third lanes, the expansion of the toll system without barriers and better rural roads.
The main objective of this plan will to expand and renew the current road structure in all regions. US$ 6.21 billion will be invested during 2019 - 2023 period in tenders of 3,100 km of the roads and highways. Road projects included in plans are Chiloé Longitudinal Route 5; the Villarrica Route; the South Orbital; Route 5 between Caldera and Antofagasta; he Entrelagos Border Route; the Pie de Monte Route; the road connection Copiulemu-Hualqui-Coronel; and the section 1 of Costanera Central Highway.
The plan also includes rebidding on Route 5 between Talca and Chillán, between Temuco and Río Bueno, between Santiago and Los Vilos, and between Collipulli and Temuco. It also incorporates road access to the Arturo Merino Benítez Airport, Route 78 and the north access to Concepción.
Third tracks will be developed on Ruta 5 Sur, between Peuco and the bypass to Rancagua; on Route 78, between Lo Errázuriz and the Talagante link; and on Route 68 between the Costanera link and the Pudahuel link.
Improvements of 9,681 kilometers on rural roads, basic roads and 3,839 kilometers of roads in indigenous communities, paving 1,613 kilometers at an investment of US$ 1.12 billion will be done between 2018 - 2022.
The plan also includes expansion of free-flow tolling system without barriers.
President Piñera also pointed out that he instructed the Minister of Public Works to reach an agreement with the concessionaires of motorways and routes to reduce the readjustments in tolls that affect users