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The Ministry of Public Works (MOP) of Chile has received five bids for the last stretch of the Americo Vespucio ring road (AVO2).
The following consortia submitted bids for the project:
The MOP launched the tender process for the concession in August 2016. The project's scope encompasses the design, build, finance, operation and maintenance (DBFO) of the last 5.2 km of the Americo Vespucio Oriente highway.
The new stretch, which will run 40 meters under the east side of the city of Santiago de Chile, will link the urban areas of Peñalolen, Macul, La Reina and Ñuñoa below Ossa Avenue. The project will involve the construction of two tunnels between Los Presidentes and Principe de Gales streets and the creation of new green areas in Príncipe de Gales, Plaza Egaña y Rotonda Grecia.
The reception of proposals was in May, 30 and the opening of technical and financial bids is projected for July, 28.The construction is expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2018, with a period of 45 year concession.
The total project investment is expected to be US$733 million.
The consortium formed by OHL Concesiones and Sacyr Concesiones Chile submitted the best proposal for the AVO I in January 2014 and the consortium signed project in March 2014. Financial close for the project has not been announced so far.