CCX CARVàƒO DA COLà”MBIA S.A. (CCX) last week has announced that its subsidiary CCX Colombia S.A. was notified, by the Colombian National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), of the approval of the Port Concession for private port which CCX will construct located in the province of La Guajira, municipality of Dibulla.
The ANI evaluated and approved the legal, technical and financial feasibility of the CCX Port in accordance with the parameters stated by the applicable Colombian legal and regulatory provisions and issued the Approval Resolution no. 1142. The CCX Port Concession is for a 30-year term and the execution of the Concession Agreement itself is conditioned to the issuance of the environmental license only.
CCX port nominal capacity will be up to 35 million tons per annum. The development of CCX port comprises the design, construction and operation of port facilities which will enable the reception, temporary storage, direct ship loading and other related support activities required to export coal produced by CCX.
The approval of CCX Port Concession by the Colombian Government through the issuance of the Approval Resolution is an important achievement for the development of the mining project of the Company in its quest to add value for its shareholders.