Bulgaria's government has canceled the tender process for the operation of Sofia International Airport.
The government terminated the concession procedure for the airport due to the existence of an objective circumstance which was unforeseen at the time of the adoption of the decision to launch the procedure.
In January, the Ministry of transport, information technology and communications (MTITC) re-opened the tender process for the concession. Bulgaria decided to re-tender the airport PPP as previous attempts to select a qualified bidder were infructuous.
A total of 27 companies had submitted declarations of interest in the pre-qualification stage of the tender.
In 2014, the airport handled 3,815,158 passengers, an 8.9% increase compared to 3,504,326 handled in 2013. Bulgaria also uses Sofia Airport for the Vrazhdebna Air Force Base.
The concession had an investment estimated at €275 million (US$312.8 million) in a one-timepayment after the election of the concessionaire plus €150 million (US$170.6 million) of investments to upgrade the airport during the 35 years of concession.
The object of the Sofia Airport concession with an area of 5,219,778 square meters included:
The private party was going to be responsible for the management of services of public interest and management and maintenance of the civil airport in accordance with the clauses of the concession contract.