Bouygues Construction chosen to build new Argenteuil hospital

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Argenteuil Hospital has awarded a contract to a consortium of prime contractors and construction companies led by Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France to consolidate and modernize Argenteuil Hospital facilities in the northwestern suburbs of Paris, France.

The project, which was devised by the Brunet Saunier & Associés agency with the assistance of BaSo Architectures, will be developed in two major phases over six years. The first phase consists of a 30,000 m² extension to the east of the existing Madeleine Brès building, which will be completed in April 2027. The second phase, adding approximately 28,000 m² to the west of the building, is due for completion in July 2030. The project involves the creation of an emergency department capable of handling 100,000 emergency admissions per year, the creation of more than 500 beds and places, and an upgraded level 3 maternity unit. In addition, the intensive care and critical care departments will be grouped on the same platform to make it easier to receive patients in the event of a public health crisis. Dedicated lanes will also be created to facilitate the flow of emergency services, the public and staff. Car parking will be improved, with a substantial increase in the number of parking spaces to 1,400 by 2030. 

The New Argenteuil Hospital project focuses on reducing its construction carbon footprint by reusing emergency infrastructure, saving 3,200 tonnes of concrete, and incorporating bio-sourced materials. Key recycling efforts include repurposing 97% of demolition materials, using recycled asphalt for roads, and reusing concrete slabs and floor tiles in new structures. Roof tiles will also be recycled as mulch, all contributing to sustainable construction.

The consortium will be led by Bouygues Construction, which will draw on the expertise of Inéo and Axima (subsidiaries of Equans) for the electrical, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and plumbing work packages, and Premys (a subsidiary of Colas) for the demolition phases. Infrastructure work has already begun on this major project, which will create a single, modern, high-performance 77,000 m² building. The total cost of the works is EUR 235 million (US$ 260 million), of which Bouygues Construction’s share amounts to EUR 129 million (US$ 142.8 million).

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