The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) has supported the issuance of BRL 1.3 billion (US$ 236 million) in incentivized debentures, for the concession of the Triângulo Mineiro highway complex.
The concession of the financed road network, which includes road sections in the Triângulo Mineiro region and respective marginal strips, was structured by BNDES, at the request of the state of Minas Gerais, and auctioned in August 2022. Started in February 2023, the concession will last 30 years. Total investments of around BRL 5.9 billion (US$ 1 billion) are expected until the end of the concession. The amount of BRL 1.3 billion (US$ 236 million) will finance the 1st investment cycle of the Concession of the Road System Lot 1 – Triângulo Mineiro, which totals BRL 2.1 billion (US$ 381 million), to be invested until 2031.
Initial work includes corrective interventions aimed at improving traffic flow and ensuring user safety. At this stage, users can now count on 24-hour services, with the availability of six ambulances, seven tow trucks, three fire-fighting vehicles and one vehicle adapted for removing and seizing animals, in addition to traffic inspection and operations supervision vehicles. The service structure also includes user support bases and an operational control center. From the third year of the contract onwards, structural works are planned, as well as the expansion of 55 km of additional lanes, 353 km of shoulders, 36 km of duplications, installation of 108 bus stops, improvements to access, adaptations to bridges and viaducts and 52 safety devices. Approximately BRL 327 million (US$ 59 million) has already been invested in works and initial improvements since the beginning of the concession. The concession consists of 9 highways that total 627.4 km in length within Minas Gerais, which pass through 16 municipalities.
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