The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus acting on behalf of the Republic of Belarus as the public partner announces the launch of the prequalification under the project on reconstruction and maintenance of the object “М-10 Highway the border of the Russian Federation (Selistche) - Gomel - Kobrin km 109.9 – km 195.15” on the principles of public-private partnership and invites all interested organizations to submit their applications in accordance with the procedure specified in the prequalification tender documentation.
The awarded private partner will be responsible for the design, construction, finance, operation, and maintenance of the 5 sections of the M-10 highway.
The deadline for the submission of documents is on June 28, 2019.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications of Belarus has announced that the prequalification round for the tender for the delayed M10 motorway upgrade project will open on 1 February. The pr...
Read moreThe Government of Belarus is planning to launch prequalification for the country's first PPP project, the M10 motorway, in the first quarter of 2019.
Read moreThe EBRD Sustainable Infrastructure Advisory (SIA) and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus (the MoTC) are inviting guests to the M-10 Highway PPP – Investor R...
Read moreThe Public-Private Partnership Center has published a Preliminary Information Memorandum on the Belarus M10 Highway PPP project.
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