The state of Rio de Janeiro and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) held an auction on December 29, 2021, for Block 3 of regionalized provision of public water supply and sewage services in 21 municipalities in the state.
The winner of the auction is Group Aguas do Brasil- Saneamento Ambiental Águas do Brasil (SAAB). The estimated investment value of the project is BRL4.7 billion (US$846 million) with a concession period of 35 years. SAAB will provide water distribution and sewage collection services to 13.7 million people in 21 municipalities.
The Block 3 covers municipalities of Bom Jardim, Bom Jesus do Itabapoana, Carapebus, Carmo, Itaguaí, Itatiaia, Macuco, Natividade, Paracambi, Pinheiral, Piraí, Rio Claro, Rio das Ostras, Rio de Janeiro (West Zone/AP-5), São Fidélis, São José de Ubá, Sapucaia, Seropédica, Sumidouro, Trajano de Moraes and Vassoura.