ANTAQ decided to enhance feasibility studies for concession of Lagoa - Mirim Waterway

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The National Waterway Transport Agency (ANTAQ) has decided to refine the feasibility studies for the concession of the Lagoa Mirim waterway in Brazil.

The Agency plans to initiate the public consultation process to gather input, support, and recommendations for enhancing technical and legal documentation related to the development of waterway infrastructure in the Lagoa Mirim waterway. Although the Lagoa Mirim waterway is not currently navigable, it was identified as a potentially navigable route in the General Grant Plan (PGO), which was approved last year. Key areas for improvement include:

  1. Establishing a construction timeline for the Uruguayan port terminal;
  2. Defining the geographic coordinates of the designated area for concession to align with the dredging plans of DNIT (National Department of Transport Infrastructure);
  3. Assessing the feasibility of revitalizing the São Gonçalo dam and lock using funding from the General Budget of the Union, potentially through sponsorship from the concessionaire in collaboration with the Ministry of Ports and Airports;
  4. Reviewing operational expenses (Opex) to prevent duplication of labor costs;
  5. Reassessing the cost per ton of transport services on the waterway after implementing the necessary improvements mentioned above, to enhance the attractiveness of waterway transportation compared to road transport;
  6. Evaluating the feasibility of transferring ALM (Administrative, Logistic, and Maintenance) infrastructure to assets managed by the concessionaire.
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