The Colombian Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura (ANI) announced on 10 June 2013 that it had approved the pre-feasibility submitted by Odinsa as a private initiative for the La Paila - Cajamarca road project. Now, Odinsa will start the definitive feasibility study.
Odinsa is pursuing the project as a public-private partnership (PPP) and expects investments to exceed 1tn pesos (US$526 million).
The La Paila-Cajamarca road project is expected to benefit Quindío department by linking the El Edén international airport, the La Tebaida free-trade zone and the El Caimo center.Odinsa said it expects to complete the feasibility study in five months, according to local sources.The ANI said that this private initiative was aligned with the National Development Plan 2010 - 2014 - Prosperity for All.
Odinsa is a large Colombian construction and infrastructure development publicly traded company (the largest engineering association in Colombia).It engages in road, highway, airport (about 18% of total sales) and railway building in addition to real estate and PPP projects.