Amberside Advisors and Steer Group have announced a partnership agreement that aims to strengthen the consultancy capacity of both companies, accomplish global target objectives and improve financial services.
Amberside Advisors is a UK-based financial modeling and advisory service company operating in sectors of energy, transport and social infrastructure. The company has provided services to 1,500 projects across 30 countries to date. Steer is a consultancy providing planning, design and advisory services to government and business in sectors of transportation and urban infrastructure.
The Trafford Council and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) in the UK have launched a request for expression of interest (RFEOI) seeking a development partner for a mixed-use development...
Read moreStafford Capital Partners and Equitix have announced the completion of a secondary transaction in Equitix’s third infrastructure fund, Equitix Fund III. The transaction involved the sale of a G...
Read moreCheltenham Borough Council has signed the concession contract with HBD X Factory for the first phase of the Golden Valley Development located in Cheltenham.
Read moreThe Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy in the UK has launched a tender notice seeking a technical consultant to provide services related to design of a business model to attract...
Read moreHomes England and Network Rail have launched a tender notice seeking a private partner to deliver a transformational mixed-use quarter of York City Centre, England, UK.
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