Amazon Fund receives new donation of US$ 47 million

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The Board of Directors of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) has approved the contract for a new donation from the US government to the Amazon Fund for BRL 270 million (US$47 million). 

This recent contribution from the U.S. government completes the initial BRL 285 million (US$50 million) payment to the Amazon Fund, part of the US$500 million pledge made by President Biden in April 2023. Since the Fund's reactivation, new donation agreements have totaled around BRL 1.4 billion, with additional donation pledges amounting to roughly BRL 3.1 billion at the current exchange rate.

The Amazon Fund provides non-reimbursable support for actions to prevent, monitor, and combat deforestation and for the conservation and sustainable use of the Legal Amazon. Up to 20% of the resources can be applied to the development of systems to monitor and control deforestation in other Brazilian biomes and other tropical countries. There are already 114 projects supported, with a total investment of approximately BRL 2.5 billion. The supported actions have already benefited approximately 239,000 people with sustainable productive activities whose revenues from the sale of products reached BRL 317 million, in addition to 101 Indigenous lands in the Amazon and 196 conservation units supported, which resulted in more than 74 million hectares of protected areas with strengthened management (TIs and UCs). 



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