Alstom and Linha Uni unveil design of Line 6-Orange trains in São Paulo

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Alstom and Linha Universidade (LinhaUni), unveiled the design of the trains for Line 6 of the São Paulo (SP) Metro.

The trains have been designed with door and corridor spacing to enhance passenger flow and freedom of movement, including reserved spaces for individuals with reduced mobility. Large windows and doors offer clear views outside, ensuring a smooth, safe, and comfortable journey. The trains are equipped with modern technologies such as passenger counting, dynamic line maps, monitors, video surveillance, optical smoke detection, and fire extinguishing systems. Each train can accommodate up to 2,044 passengers, with the line expected to transport about 633,000 passengers daily. Utilizing Unattended Train Operation (UTO) technology, which allows for operation without an onboard operator, the Line-6 Orange train can reach speeds of up to 90 km/hr.

These trains will be operated and maintained by Linha Universidade (LinhaUni), the concessionaire for São Paulo Metro's Line 6, under a 19-year agreement. São Paulo Metro Line 6-Orange involves constructing and operating a metro line connecting the neighborhoods of Brasilândia and Freguesia de Ó to the city center. The completed project will span 15.3 km and include 15 underground stations, featuring three major interchanges. Additionally, the project plans for a 7-km extension of Line 6-Orange, adding six more stations: Morro Grande, Velha Campinas, Aclimação, Cambuci, Vila Monumento, and São Carlos. This section will integrate with metro lines 1-Blue and 4-Yellow, as well as metropolitan train lines 7-Rubi and 8-Diamante.

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