Agreements signed with SFB and IDB for forest concession projects in Brazil

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The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) signed at the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA), in Brasília (DF), a Technical Cooperation Agreement (ACT) with the Forest Service Brazilian Bank (SFB) and an agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the concession of the Bom Futuro National Forest in Rondônia, Brazil.

The initiatives are geared towards developing projects for sustainable conservation units that integrate restoration and environmental management as viable economic activities. Under the collaboration agreement with the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB), BNDES will assist with concession projects in the Bom Futuro National Forest located in Rondônia and Gleba João Bento spread across Rondônia and Amazonas, encompassing areas with significant deforestation. These projects represent pioneering efforts to restore degraded areas using proceeds from the sale of carbon credits or forest products generated through reforestation. Additionally, BNDES will extend support to concession projects in other states, with existing partnerships in Amapá and upcoming collaborations in Amazonas and Pará for forest concessions. 

The Brazilian Forest Service plans to grant over 2.9 million hectares by 2026. Currently, BNDES is collaborating with the SFB on studies covering approximately 9 million hectares in the Amazon region. In 2024, public consultation and concession notices will be initiated for four areas: Bom Futuro National Forest (RO), Gleba Castanho (AM), Iquiri National Forest (AM), and Jatuarana National Forest (AM). The agreement between BNDES and IDB aims to facilitate the development of partnership projects focusing on reforestation services and sustainable management of public forests in the Brazilian Amazon. The IDB will allocate US$800,000 in non-refundable resources from the Green Climate Fund, managed by the institution, to support this endeavor.

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