Agreement signed to develop Quilicura Junction Modification Project

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The General Directorate of Concessions and ViasChile has signed an agreement that will allow the concessionaire Autopista Centra SA to develop the project Modification of the Quilicura Junction: Lo Ruiz Tunnel. 

The project, which involves CLP 10 million (US$ 10,708), will be an alternative to connect the expressways of General Velásquez with Américo Vespucio Norte with greater entry and exit capacity, which will free up traffic at the Quilicura Junction. The Lo Ruiz Tunnel Project has a length of 5.8 km, considering all its structures and connections. The work consists of the construction of two tunnels (east and west) of 1.47 km under Cerro Lo Ruiz (belonging to the Cerros de Renca island hill system) and connecting viaducts with both the General Velásquez Axis (of the Autopista Central) and the Américo Vespucio Norte highway. The Lo Ruiz Tunnel will have a maximum travel speed of 80 km/hour and is expected to reduce travel times by at least 20% once operational. 

The project will improve local connectivity in the communes of Quilicura and Renca, significantly reducing travel times in the northern area of ​​Santiago by generating more entry and exit capacity to the General Velásquez and Américo Vespucio Norte expressways, which will directly impact the decongestion of the Quilicura Junction. For the execution of the project, the tender for its construction will be held in 2024 so that work can begin in the first half of 2025. The construction period is 50 months.

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