Agreement signed to build #Roma5G Wi-Fi infrastructure across Rome

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Boldyn Networks (Boldyn) signed a public-private partnership (PPP) agreement with the City of Rome to implement #Roma5G, the project that involves the construction, management, operation, and maintenance of a 5G and Wi-Fi infrastructure across Rome.

The project includes:

  • The coverage of all metro lines (A, B, C) and in particular 83 stations and 68 km of tunnels, in all frequency bands for 4G and 5G services;
  • The development of the passive infrastructure. Including 2200 signal propagation points for underlay coverage in 5G in the city, based on small cells, open to accommodate all market players both public and private;
  • The development of a free Wi-Fi network for the City of Rome with about 850 points of presence distributed in 100 squares (and adjacent streets) with high density of tourist flows; and
  • The supply, installation, and management of about 1,800 IoT sensors and 2,000 high-resolution 5G cameras for the development of smart city solutions and land management/control.

The PPP is expected to see a total investment of EUR 97.7 million (US$ 104.6 million), with EUR 20 million (US$ 21.4 million) contributed by the City of Rome from Jubilee 2025 funds allocated by the PNRR. The 25-year concession project will integrate seamlessly with the city's aesthetics and existing infrastructure. Benefits include comprehensive connectivity in high-traffic areas, enhanced public safety via video surveillance, and a variety of digital services from the City of Rome, such as free Wi-Fi and environmental monitoring sensors at major traffic points.

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