ADIF launches tender process for hotel development in Malaga

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The Spanish state-owned railway infrastructure manager  Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF) has approved the tender for the development, construction, and operation of a new hotel at the María Zambrano railway station in Malaga City in Spain. 

The project will be developed on a design, build operate, and maintain (DBOM) basis, while the concession period will be 30 years. The project estimated investment cost is EUR9.8 million (US$11.66 million). The hotel will be built within the current building of the old Locomotive Shed, located next to the railway Commercial Center of the María Zambrano train station, on Mendívil street. This property has an approximate area of ​​about 3,000 m2.

With this action, the Málaga María Zambrano station incorporates a second hotel.

The award of the tender will fall on the most economically advantageous offer for Adif AV, meaning by that the one with the highest guaranteed minimum fixed income offered for the entire duration of the contract. In order to determine the most advantageous offer, the technical criteria will be taken into account in order to continue in the contracting procedure.

The successful bidder will build and deliver the built property to Adif AV. For its part, Adif AV will lease the property to the lessee for its exploitation for a term of 30 years as partial consideration for the right of use during that period of time. The equipment, which will be owned by the lessee, is expressly excluded.

In the contract between Adif AV and the successful tenderer, three phases are distinguished:

  1. The first phase, of development, covers from the signing of the contract, the period of elaboration of the hotel projects and the obtaining of the necessary authorizations and licenses for its development. This first phase may not exceed 24 months from the date of the award contract signature.
  2. The second phase, construction, covers the period from the end of the development phase to the completion of construction and delivery of the hotel to Adif AV. In no case may it exceed 24 months, from the date of completion of the development phase.
  3. The third phase corresponds to the operation of the hotel. It covers the 30-year period from the date of signing the lease, even if the start of the operation occurs partially. The period of 30 years will begin its validity from the delivery of the hotel to Adif AV and the simultaneous signing of the lease.

The deadline for the submission of proposals is 31 October 2020. 

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