4 bidders bidding to oversee second stage of Presidente Franco Port Terminal

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The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) has received 4 bids for the supervision of the second phase of the Cargo Port Terminal of the National Navigation and Ports Administration (ANNP) in Presidente Franco, Alto Paraná, Paraguay.

This process, which is part of the Eastern Metropolitan Corridor (CMDE) project and the Paraguay-Brazil Integration Bridge, marks a new step towards the transformation of local and regional logistics capacity. The following bidders participate:

  • Integration Consortium (Tecno Consulting Group SA – Quality Engineering and Consulting SA),
  • the Port Management Consortium (Control SA – GEPG SA),
  • the TRSA – TECMA Consortium (Tomás Robert Sosa Aguilera – Technology and Environment Engineering and Consulting SA) and
  • the CIALPA – VICICON Consortium (Alto Paraguay Engineering Consultant and Public Limited Company – Vicicon Public Limited Company).

The consultancy will include the supervision of several essential components for the operation of the terminal, such as the truck control platform, residential constructions, warehouses, reinforcement of the perimeter fence, offices for dispatchers and wastewater treatment. Road infrastructure works, electrical works, sanitary installations, signage and gardening will also be supervised. 

This second stage aims to complete the infrastructure of the ANNP Port Cargo Terminal, which is currently being built by the CET Consortium. With the opening of the Integration Bridge between Presidente Franco and Foz de Yguazú, a flow of around 1,000 trucks per day is expected through this terminal. This space will also house joint border controls between Paraguay and Brazil, which will contribute to improving trade and logistics in the region.

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