The World Bank Group has launched two tender processes to seek technical and legal consultants for a waste-to-energy plant in Tangerang (Indonesia).
The proposed Waste-to-Energy Plant (using incineration/mass burn technology) is expected to process approximately 970 tons/day of waste, and have a potential capacity of approximately 17 MW. The project is to be located within the existing Rawa Kucing landfill site.
At this stage, it is not anticipated for the project to include a fully integrated solid waste management solution for Tangerang City. The project is expected to be restricted to waste-to-wnergy plant and be proposed as such to the market, without any wider associated landfill management or waste collection issue.
The deadline for submitting proposals for both tender is September 28th.
The Government of Indonesia is currently developing several plans to develop waste-based power plants as part of an effort to resolve acute urban waste problems in major cities in Indonesia, including in Tangerang City.
Two Presidential Decrees (Perpres), Perpres nos. 3/2016 and 18/2016, were recently issued to accelerate the development of waste-to-energy plants in major cities in Indonesia.
For more information about the tender, please visit the tender opportunities for legal and technical consultants.