MT Højgaard/DEAS team has been selected to build and operate the new school in Skovbakkeskole (Denmark), for the Municipality of Odder under the public private partnership (PPP) model.
The new school will house 650 pupils as well as a daycare centre and a kindergarten for 100 children. The school will go up to the existing school, which will be open throughout the construction process.
The preferred bidder will be responsible for construction of the new facilities and for operating and maintaining the school for a 25-year period. As part of the contract, the team is to maintain buildings and installations and keep them up-to-date, thus enabling the new school to keep its quality high and its operating costs predicable and constant throughout the period.
The school is to be built in two stages, which will be completed in July and December 2017 respectively.
Joan Clausen, PPP/PPC Project Manager at MT Højgaard, stated:
"We will build a brand-new school providing optimal and flexible settings for many years ahead. A construction process focused on sustainability, energy optimisation and long-term solutions will serve to minimise Odder's future utility expenses".
The school will be the winning team's fourth common school project under a public-private partnership. The team has already delivered Nordstjerneskolen in Frederikshavn, Vildbjerg Skole and Ørstedskolen in Rudkøbing.