The Government of Uttar Pradesh (India), through the Directorate of Medical & Health Services, has launched a request for qualification (RFQ) to develop the Super Specialty Hospital PPP project in Chak Ganjaria.
According to the RFQ, the scope of works is to develop a 1,000-bed super speciality hospital at a site identified by the Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) with Super Speciality in relation to cardiology and cardiac surgery and at least one such other super speciality, except for oncology.
LDA has identified and earmarked total 10 acres of plot, which shall be initially given on lease for a period of 30 years, with an option to renew the lease at the expiry of 30 years.
The project will be developed on a design, build, finance, operation and transfer (DBFOT) basis.
A pre-bid meeting for potential bidders will be held on November 26. Interested parties must submit their qualification documents on or before 30 December 2015.