USD624 million Highway PPP project awarded in Brazil

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USD624 million Highway PPP project awarded in Brazil

The Government of Minas Gerais along with the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) has awarded the InfraestruturaMG consortium comprises of Equipav and Perfin the concession of 627.4 km of highways between the cities of Uberlândia, Uberaba, Patrocínio and Araxá in Brazil. 

The BRL3.2 billion (US$624.41 million) project involves exploration, conservation, maintenance, improvements and expansion of the transport infrastructure of the road sections comprising the BR-452 (96 km), BR-365 (130.10 km), CMG-452 (65.50 km), CMG-462 (93.20 km), LMG-782 (16.40 km), LMG-798 (42.50 km), LMG-812 (7.20 km), MG-190 (71.90) and MG-427 (104.60 km).

The future concessionaire will be responsible for duplicating 36.1 km and implementing 55 km of additional lanes, in addition to 353 km of shoulder, 52 intersections and roundabouts, three pedestrian crossings, 39 adaptations of Special Works of Art, 13 km of paving, among others.


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