USD 1.2bn LRT project tender results under review in Canada

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USD 1.2bn LRT project tender results under review in Canada

CAD 1.6 billion (USD 1.2 billion) Trillium Line extension PPP project´s in Ottawa future is not clear, since the city council has questions about the contract award to SNC-Lavalin (project-specific name in the bidding process: TransitNEXT).

Trillium Line extension (Light Rail Transit Stage 2) PPP project involves the design, construction, financing and maintenance of a 16km extension to the Trillium light rail line in Ottawa. The preferred proponent will also be responsible for upgrading the existing stations as well as long term maintenance for the existing infrastructure and rolling stock. The project also includes maintenance of the entire system for 27 years.

SNC-Lavalin won the bidding procedure last March in tender against two consortia (Trillium Link and Trillium Extension Alliance) with the technical bid that didn´t meet the minimum 70 per cent score and contained factual errors and was missing critical information.

Ottawa City Council is now requesting all Trillium Line Stage 2 procurement documents to be released before the meeting of the finance and economic development committee on March 3 and to make them publicly available. The council is alo calling for an independent third-party review of the procurement by autumn.

Council also decided that the general policy on public-private partnerships should be reviewed at the mid-point review of councils 2018-2022 term.


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