Uruguay's first-ever prison PPP project was awarded to the consortium Unidad Punta de Rieles on 22 May 2014.
The winning proposal involves a daily pay of US$558 per convict during a period of 27.5 years. The consortium Unidad Punta de Rieles is formed by Teyma Uruguay SA (Abengoa Group), Instalaciones Inabensa SA (Abengoa Group) and Goddard Catering Group Uruguay SA (Uruguay)
The tender was launched in early February of 2013. The consortium beat out competition from three others bidders:
A fifth bidder, consortium UM, was disqualified and its proposal was not accepted due to irregularities with signatures and financial statements. CGL Hunt Uruguay LLC (USA) was also disqualified later because it offered a daily value of place higher than the maximum set.
The estimated investment for the project is US$80 million. Construction for the project is expected to start in September 2014.
The project consists of the design, construction, equipment, financing, maintenance, cleaning, food, laundry and grocery store services of a new penitentiary institution for 2,000 inmates.
The Ministry of Defense will remain responsible for the security, healthcare and recreational activities for imprisoned individuals.