Uruguay's Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP) announced on December 4 that the Central Railway Montevideo-Paso de los Toros PPP Project has been approved.
The Ferrocarril Central Montevideo-Paso de los Toros PPP Project is a public-private partnership to upgrade the 273km Montevideo-Paso de los Toros railway line. The contract will also include maintenance over a period of 22 years. As well as relaying track, the project will include laying a second track on the 17.2km between Empalme Tablada and Progreso. Furthermore, a new alignment is to be built between Margat and 25 de Agosto.
MTOP has called for international public bidding, and set a deadline of March 9, 2018.
The Secretary of State, Víctor Rossi, has confirmed that work is underway for the contract to be awarded before November 1, 2018.
For more information, see the Business Opportunity.
This tender follows that of the 20-year concession of Route 6, one of the most popular roads in Uruguay, which was launched last month. This year has also seen Uruguay's first transmission line and education PPPs, launched in May and June respectively. For more information on these projects, see Route 6 section Cuchilla Grande-Route 12 PPP Project, Melo-Tacuarembó transmission line PPP project and Schools PPP project - Package 1.