The University of Leicester (UK) has launched a tender process to seek a private partner for the development of a student housing project.
The University intents to appoint a Student Housing Partner to design, build, finance and maintain an additional circa 750-1250 beds on Freemens Common and Nixon Court as part of its residential portfolio. The final composition of the development is subject to receipt of a satisfactory planning permission as referred to below and is therefore subject to change.
The strategic context is that the University wants to increase the number of high quality and affordable beds, in order to maintain its guarantee to accommodate first year students, while at the same time replacing some of its oldest stock.
The University is finalizing a masterplan for the Site which envisages demolition of some existing halls of residence; redeveloping the site to provide an additional 750-1,250 beds; and retaining some existing buildings and converting them into ancillary social space to support the student housing.
The University is also exploring the creation of a new build multi-storey car park, and potentially some academic space, as part of this masterplan.
It is anticipated that during the operational phase, the Student Housing Partner will deliver hard FM services for the student housing, with the University's strong preference to deliver all soft FM services.
Interested parties that are shortlisted at the pre-qualification stage will be invited to put forward proposals for taking a lease on part of the Site, the University expects to enter into a Project Agreement with an operational term that is not expected to exceed 50 years from the date of completion of the works.
The University's preference is to make new beds available by September 2020 at the latest.
For further information about this opportunity, please visit the following website.
The University operates student accommodation across three main sites both on-campus and off-campus. The portfolio comprises both Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) and Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), providing accommodation for circa 3,500 students. It also has a nomination agreement with an external provider for an additional 655 beds. The majority of the portfolio is self-catered.