Two highway concessions were awarded last week in the Italian region of Veneto, the contracts for the Medio Padana Veneta Nogara - Mare Adriatico highway and the S.R. 10 "Padana Inferiore" highway.
The Medio Padana Veneta Nogara - Mare Adriatico highway concession, a private initiative, has been awarded to the Promotore (promoter) of the project, the consortium composed of:
The concession includes the final and detailed design, construction and management of the Medio Padana Veneta Nogara - Mare Adriatico highway, and the design, construction and management of the connection between the new highway and the A22 Brennero highway in the province Verona.
The project is aimed at improving the conditions of mobility east - west along the valley Pianura Padana, integrating the axis formed by the A4 and the medio Padano axis. The project improves the accessibility of the area to the main existing and planned motorways: A22, A31, A13, Nuova Romea.
The promoter's proposal amounts to €1,877 million.
The tender process started in December of 2011 when it was authorized the call for bids. Two teams submitted qualification documents and were invited to the final round: Samsung C & T Corporation and the the consortium formed by SACYR SA, INC S.p.A. and SIPAL S.p.A.
Later, these two teams rejected to participate in the restricted negotiation procedure and the promoter the project wad the only bidder.
The S.R. 10 "Padana Inferiore" highway concession was awarded to the consortium composed by Impresa costruzioni Giuseppe Maltauro S.p.A. (team leader), Nuova CO.ED.MAR. S.r.l. and Intercantieri Vittadello S.p.A..
The consortium offered the most economically advantageous proposal. The investment value is €232 million.
Road works will take 48 months and the concession period will be 38 years.
The concession includes the design, construction, and operation of a 25.5 Km bypass (17.8 km in the province of Padova and 7.7 km in the province of Verona) and the modernization of other minor roads.