Two companies have submitted proposals for the five business-use airports concession in São Paulo, Brazil. This companies are, namely, Brazilian fuel distributor Gran Petro Fuel Distributor and real estate company GWI Empreendimentos.
The tender for the airports concession was launched in late April and it includes: Comandante Rolim Adolfo Amaro, in Jundiaí; Arthur Siqueira, in Bragança Paulista; Campinas/Amarais, in Campinas; Gastão Madeira, in Ubatuba; and the airport of Itanhaém.
At the moment, the five airports are managed by Departamento Aeroviário do Estado de São Paulo (Daesp).
The concession period will be 30 years and it will include the upgrade of the five airports. The total investment during the concession period will be at least R$90.1 million (US$25.4 million), of them R$32.4 million (US$9.13 million) will be invested during the first four years.
The winning team will be responsible for rehabilitation, operation, crewing and maintenance, improvements of tracks systems, patios, signalling, renovation of passenger terminals and expansions of the hangars' infrastructure in the airports.
It is expected that a total of R$15.18 million will be invested in Itanhaém, R$19.68 million in Jundiaí, R$10,14 million in Bragança Paulista, R$17,57 million in Ubatuba and R$27,50 million in Campinas (Campo dos Amarais).